Price list
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Please note:
- Our delivery status does not provide any information regarding our retailers' supply capability. We are unable to take their stock levels into account, so you may often still be able to buy products that are sold out at the factory from retail stockists.
- Prices and availability are provided without guarantee of any kind. Subject to errors and changes.
- Stock status:
- J = Item available
- N = Item not available
- B = Item on order
- A = Item sold out
Item no. | Description | Recommended € | Stock status | Status |
300022063 | TT-02BR Kugeldiff. Abtrieb | 14.49 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022064 | TT-02 SRX Abtrieb Spool vorne | 15.49 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022065 | TT-02 SRX Alu Abtrieb Öl-Kegel-Diff (2) | 16.29 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022066 | TT-02 SRX Alu AW-Mitnehmer m. Blades | 11.49 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022067 | 1:10 Felg. (4) 10-Sp. weiß 24mm Offs. 0 | 6.89 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022068 | BB-01 Kardanhalbwellen (2) Stahl | 18.29 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022069 | BB-01 Alu Lenkhebel vo. (1+1) li/re sil. | 51.99 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022070 | BB-01 Alu Lenk-Servohalter(2) silber | 23.29 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022071 | BB-01 Rutschkupplung-Set | 55.99 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022072 | XV-02 Alu Lenkhebel (L/R) | 38.99 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022073 | XV-02 Carbon Stoßfängerhalter | 12.49 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022074 | XV-02RS Stabilisator-Set Vo./Hi. (1+1) | 22.49 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022075 | XV-02/RS Chassis Carbon verstärkt | 53.99 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022076 | XV-02/RS Carb. Dämpferbr.-Set vo/hi kurz | 47.49 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022077 | CW-01 26mm Felgen Hornet (2+2) einteilig | 7.19 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022078 | TA08R/Pro Alu Diff.-Halter +0,8 (2) | 26.99 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022079 | TA08R/Pro Alu Diff.-Halter +0,5 (2) | 26.99 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022080 | Federteller (4) Alu Lo.Mo. Lar.DS SSBB | 26.99 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022081 | TA08R/Pro Alu Motorträger 3,0mm | 38.99 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022082 | TA08R/Pro Carb. Oberdeck 2,0mm | 27.49 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022083 | TA08R/Pro Alu Querlenkerhalt. Vo./Ob.(2) | 58.99 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022084 | TA08R/Pro Alu Querlenkerhalt. Hi./Ob.(2) | 58.99 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022085 | TA08R/Pro Kar.-Halter Hi. Verstärkt (2) | 27.49 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022086 | TA08R/Pro/TB Titan 4x18mm Spannachse (2) | 11.49 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022087 | BB-01/TD2/4/XV01 33Z Stahl Zwischenrad | 9.19 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022088 | BB-01 Alu Dämpferhalter vorne (2) silber | 43.99 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022089 | BB-01 Alu Dämpferhalter hinten silber | 25.99 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022090 | BB-01 Alu Lenkhebel L/R | 27.99 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022091 | BB-01 Alu Lenkhebelbrücke | 14.29 | J | 08.02.25 |
300022092 | DT-04 Kugellager-Satz | 23.49 | N | 08.02.25 |