Price list

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Please note:

  • Our delivery status does not provide any information regarding our retailers' supply capability. We are unable to take their stock levels into account, so you may often still be able to buy products that are sold out at the factory from retail stockists.
  • Prices and availability are provided without guarantee of any kind. Subject to errors and changes.
  • Stock status:
  • J = Item available
  • N = Item not available
  • B = Item on order
  • A = Item sold out
Item no. Description Recommended € Stock status Status
5100012901:72 S. 79 Sparviero22.99J06.07.24
5100012921:72 JU-87 B2 STUKA15.99J06.07.24
5100012961:72 F-104 G "Recce"17.99B06.07.24
5100013061:72 JAS 39 GRIPEN14.49B06.07.24
5100013121:72 FW 190 D-915.99J06.07.24
5100013191:72 RAFALE M Externe Operationen 201115.99J06.07.24
5100013261:72 Flugzeugträgerdeck-Teil (4)28.99J06.07.24
5100013521:72 Sunderland Mk.III49.99J06.07.24
5100013771:72 MIG 29A Fulcrum19.49J06.07.24
5100013781:72 B-52G Stratofortress74.99J06.07.24
5100013811:72 MIRAGE 2000C16.49B06.07.24
5100014011:72 Harrier GR.3 Falklands War19.99J06.07.24
5100014091:72 F-35A Lightning II28.99J06.07.24
5100014101:72 AV-8A Harrier22.49J06.07.24
5100014111:72 A-7E Corsair II22.99J06.07.24
5100014121:72 S.M.79 M Sparviero29.99J06.07.24
5100014141:72 F-14A Tomcat Recessed Line Panels32.99J06.07.24
5100014151:72 F-15C Eagle22.99J06.07.24
5100014231:72 US P-51A Mustang16.99J06.07.24
5100014251:72 F-35B Lightning II V/STOL Version34.99J06.07.24
5100014361:72 Heinkel HE-111H-634.99J06.07.24
5100014371:72 Fiat CR.42 Falco17.99J06.07.24
5100014381:72 Fiat CR 32 Freccia17.49B06.07.24
5100014391:72 Mc 202 Folgore17.99J06.07.24
5100014411:72 US F-5A Freedom Fighter22.99J06.07.24
5100014421:72 Boeing B-52H Stratofortress74.99J06.07.24
5100014461:72 US P-38J Lightning28.99J06.07.24
5100014471:72 Fiat BR.20 Cicogna31.99J06.07.24
5100014561:72 F-8E Crusader24.99J06.07.24
5100014571:72 RAF EF-2000 Eurofighter Typhoon22.99J06.07.24
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